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Are you a father wishing to establish rights with your children?


Are you a mother seeking financial support for your child?


I will work to safeguard your rights and determine financial responsibility while guiding your the process of establishing paternity through the Collaborative process, mediation or Filing a Petition for Establishment of Paternity.



There are many reasons you may want to change your name.  Perhaps you rethought your decision on keeping your married name after a proceeding.  You may want to honor one of your parents or a loved one. 


Excluding exceptions under Florida Statute 68.07, you can file a Petition to change your name.  If you are considering changing your name, contact me so we can discuss the process and ame sure there will not be any roadblocks along the way.  




You may have a specific legal need but do not want or have the financial means to spend money on a full service attorney.  Let me help you by tailoring a service to fit your particular need. Some examples of services I provide are as follows: 

  • Drafting pleadings such as a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage

  • Responding to a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage

  • Engaging with direct negotiations with your spouse/partner or their attorney

  • Assisting you in completing Family Law forms

  • Responding to discovery requests

  • Letters

  • Preparing you to represent yourself





Under certain circumstances, you and your spouse/partner may jointly file for a Dissolution of Marriage and schedule your case for a Final Hearing.


To be eligible for a Simplified Dissolution of Marriage, all of the following must be true:

  • The parties have no minor or depending children

  • The Wife is not pregnant

  • At least one of the parties has resided in Florida for at least six months prior to filing a Petition for Simplified Dissolution of Marriage

  • Neither party is seeking alimony/spousal support

  • The parties are willing to waive their right to an appeal

  • The parties are willing and able to appear together at the Final Hearing


Both parties must complete a Financial Affidavit and agree on how to divide their assets and liabilities in a Settlement Agreement.


I can help you determine if you and your spouse/partner meet the criteria, assist you in completing your Financial Affidavit, and draft the Marital Settlement Agreement. 

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